Mother Lorenza Longo
Mother Lorenza Longo was a remarkable woman who accomplished many marvelous works of compassion for God’s people because she placed herself at the service of the loving plan of God. She founded the Hospital of the incurable, that after many centuries is still serving the sick and was the initiator of the Capuchin Poor Clare Sisters, forming and directing the sisters toward the strict observance of the ideals of Francis and Clare under the direction of the new reform of the Capuchin Brothers. Thanks to the brothers who confessed and directed the sisters from the beginning.
On October 9, 2017, Pope Francis authorized the veneration of Lorenza Longo. Longo was therefore an important point of reference for the women of the time as she was considered a woman for women, an abbess for nuns and a sick woman for the sick. Longo is remembered for having dedicated to the construction of the “House of God”: from the Hospital of the Incurables to the Order of the Capuchin Poor Clares.
On April 26, the prefect of the Congregation of Saints S. Em. Card. Marcello Semeraro has set the celebration of the Beatification of our beloved Mother Maria Lorenza Longo on October 9, 2021!
With a private ceremony, in the presence of the Diocesan Tribunal for the Causes of Saints of Campania, the mortal remains of the next Blessed Maria Longo, after the prior reconnaissance of last March 2, were sealed in a glass case and placed in a place of the church more visible and suitable for worship, which will be possible only after the beatification of next October 9. Before sealing her, each nun greeted Mother Lorenza in her own way, with a lot of love and devotion!

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