Support Our Mission
As Capuchin Poor Clares, we rely on God’s Providence and your generosity for all of our needs. We are so grateful for anything you are willing to give.
To make a gift online, follow the directions below. You can direct your gift to either the unrestricted fund or to our new monastery building project. For a gift of $1,000 or more, you can add your special intention, which will be memorialized on a leaf of our “Little Plant of St. Clare” to be displayed in the new monastery. Other naming opportunities can be found here.
Our Mission
The mission of the Capuchin Poor Clares is to live the gospel in contemplation; we contemplate Christ to imitate his life. We live a cloistered life of prayer in Denver, Colorado. Not to escape the world but to witness and spiritually minister to it. We long to be transformed into the image of Christ by becoming “vessels of God’s compassionate love for others.” We pray for the needs of the suffering and poor, for the Church and the world, and for all those who ask our prayers.

Please Give Today
2 Easy Options to Donate
1. PAYPAL GIVING FUND (100% of your gift is sent to us)
To support our mission, please donate now via our Paypal Giving Fund. Through this special fund designated for nonprofit organizations, Paypal waives the transaction fees and allows us to receive 100% of your gift.
If you’d prefer to make a monthly donation or donate via credit card, please use the donation form below to make your gift
Donate via Credit Card or Paypal
Donate by Mail
To make an offline donation toward this cause, please follow these steps:
- Write a check payable to Capuchin Poor Clares of Denver.
- On the memo line of the check, indicate that the donation is for Capuchin Poor Clares of Denver
- Mail your check to:
Our Lady of Light Monastery
3325 Pecos Street
Denver, Colorado 80211
Your tax-deductible donation is greatly appreciated!
Capuchin Poor Clares of Denver Colorado is a 501(c)(3) organization.