WHo Are We
How did a group of Capuchin Poor Clares come to live in Denver?
Our story begins at a monastery in Irapuato, Guanajuato, Mexico—where many of us entered religious life.
It was in 1987, the Archbishop of Denver sought to establish a community of Capuchin Poor Clare sisters in Denver. The following year, ten sisters from our community were selected to start a new monastery at the former rectory of St. Patrick’s Church, located at the corner of 33rd Ave and Pecos Street.
For over three decades we have lived and prayed at this location, supporting ourselves by sewing habits for our Capuchin Brothers and by baking our trademark “Clarisas’ Cookies.”

Is God Calling You?
One of the hallmarks of a religious vocation is a longing for greater intimacy with the Lord, a sense that there is “something more” than your current prayer life. A real friendship with God is the firm foundation upon which religious life can be built.
If the Lord is calling you to the contemplative life, He will place in your heart a desire to pour yourself out in prayer and sacrifice for the sake of His glory and His work of salvation.
A Life Dedicated to Prayer
Clarisas’ Cookies
Cookies support Sisters

We bake and sell Clarisas’ Cookies as a means of supporting our cloistered community whose primary existence is to raise prayers to God constantly on behalf of the Church and, in a special manner, for our benefactors.

To maintain the highest standards of excellence, we bake these delicious butter cookies from scratch, in small batches, using nothing but the finest ingredients.
A New Beginning &
Room to Grow
By the grace of God, we have purchased a property in Byers, Colorado, less than one hour outside Denver. Here we will build a new monastery, where we can live out our contemplative vocation away from the commotion of the city.
This new facility will allow us both to care for our sisters in their elderly years and to welcome new women into our community.
Our mission remains unchanged. At the new convent in Byers, we will remain in the Archdiocese of Denver and intercede for those who need our prayers.
With your support, you can help us recover our roots: a life of quiet prayer, in community and set apart from the world.
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Where we share prayers, special moments and glimpses into our daily lives.

Living the Easter Spirit
In the tradition of St. Francis and St. Clare of Assisi, Easter holds profound significance that transcends mere observance; it…

Festival of St. Clare August 12 & 13 2023
Join us in celebrating the Festival of St. Clare! There will be food, entertainment, crafts & so many other fun…